

So! You've had an innovative idea. You nurtured it. You tested it. You tweaked it. You've done preliminary patent searches online, and you think you've got a viable, marketable idea.

Now what? Well, now you need to protect your idea so that no one can steal it. Additionally, you need to get your foot in the door -- so to speak -- with the patent office, so that no one can 'beat you to the punch'. But there's a problem...

As a first time inventor, you may have put all of your expendable funds into developing your idea. You cannot afford the many thousands of dollars to hire an expensive patent attorney or patent agent.

So here's your plan: you need to protect your idea and you need time to contact prospective backers or manufacturers. With your idea or prototype safe, you can then negotiate for license fees, royalties, signing fees -- the list of ways to monetize your invention is unlimited.

But what about that "protection" ? What's keeping your new potential business partners from stealing your idea? It's a PROVISIONAL PATENT APPLICATION! It's fast. It's inexpensive. It's easy to complete.

Benefits? Without "judging" the patentability of your submitted invention, the US Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO) will date- and time-stamp your properly completed application, and award you 'Patent Pending' status for your innovation. Bingo! You now have a full twelve months to do your negotiations and the find the right partners to bring your product to market. Before the year is up, someone you assign will foot the bill for the full patent, and you will receive the negotiated signing fees, royalties, and any additional monies that you may have negotiated.

Can you write a provisional patent application and successfully submit it yourself? Certainly! You'll need a drawing and a written description of your invention. Then you'll need to complete the proper forms with the proper information on the proper lines. Mail the package to the USPTO. If you successfully figured out the right combination of forms, and filled them out properly, you should soon be notified of the awarded 'patent pending' status for your invention.

Then it's time to get to work negotiating -- your idea is now SAFE!

