

RIP Kerr MacGregor - Solar Panels Inventor

Being an inventor is a pretty cool job. You get to, in most cases, improve society through technological advancements. This means that, from the point of view of someone with an economics degree, increase everyone's well-being because society can make more output from limited inputs.

What could be even better than being an inventor? Being an inventor in the field of renewable energy. This means that whilst society can produce a greater output and economic well-being, negative externalities (pollution) is cut simultaneously, producing an even greater positive effect.

Kerr MacGregor was one of Britain's leading solar inventors. His work led to the invention of Solartwin. This is a solar water-heating panel which is freezable, unlike the majority of other systems currently on the UK market. Standard thermal solar panel systems rely on thick anti-freeze being mixed in with the water system so that the panels don't freeze over the winter. The issue with this is that whilst conventional thermal systems can operate without any issues, MacGregor's system is better. Anti-freeze is viscous and clogs up the pipes, requiring a powerful pump to circulate the fluid around the system. These pumps use a lot of energy, compared to Solartwin's 5 watt pump that's required to operate the system. Solartwin works because it uses flexible thermally conductive pipes which actually freeze solid in winter without cracking. In sun, they then thaw out quickly to produce hot water.

Kerr also produced a wide range of solar inventions, not just domestic thermal panels. He invented solar clip fins which are used in DIY solar collectors worldwide, underground solar heat storage for greenhouses, large solar collectors for swimming pools and transpired fabric solar collectors for drying timber. In particular, his thermal slates are used across hundreds of Scottish homes, where they produce dehumidified and heated air at low cost.

More novel inventions include his famous solar-powered bagpipe - he would arrive at international conferences, wearing a kilt, smiling and piping the Gay Gordons. The Guardian reports that at the Patent Office, a technical description of his Thermoscreen, a folding heater, includes a photo of a prototype he built, in tartan!

Kerr originates from Scotland, although he spent his early childhood in India and then went to boarding school in the UK. He was always a great thinker - interested in politics, music and travel. Not to mention motorbikes, kilts and the latest green gadgets, obviously!

Unfortunately, Kerr MacGregor passed away last week aged 70, leaving his wife, four children and two grandchildren. He will be sorely missed - there are more than 5,000 Solartwin installations in place across the world, so his name and reduction in carbon dioxide emissions will go on even though he is no-longer with us. Indeed, the average system can reduce carbon dioxide by almost 1,000kg per year, so that's 5 million kilogrammes of carbon dioxide being saved by his systems every single year - we should all be grateful to him.

